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The Tennessean - A Metro Nashville committee charged with distributing $121 million in federal funds made rent and mortgage assistance one of its first orders of business. 

The nine-member COVID-19 Financial Oversight Committee approved a $10 million release on Monday for Davidson County residents struggling with housing costs because of the coronavirus pandemic. The money comes from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security — or CARES — Act.

Metro Council members will be asked to sign off on the decision Tuesday night. The money could be distributed as soon as next month through United Way of Greater Nashville. (link)

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by Rod Williams, 8/3/2023 - "Let us work! Let us Work!" was the chant from the crowd outside the mayors office this afternoon at a "We Want to Work!" rally. The event drew a crowd estimated at about 400 and took place at noon at Courthouse Square Park.  The protesters could not get closer than the first set of courthouse steps, as the Courthouse is still surrounded by fencing and many of the windows of the Courthouse are still boarded up from the May 30th riot when police passively stood by and watched rioters set fire to the courthouse.  Still, it is almost certain that if the mayor was in his office he heard the chant. Shortly after the event started, someone in the mayor's office closed the office blinds.

Councilman Steve Glover addressed the crowd condemning the mayor's policy of keeping the city on lock down and pledged his support for the cause of the protesters and urging them to keep up the pressure on the city. 

Most of those in attendance were owners, bar keepers, waitresses, and entertainers who work on lower Broadway.  From the interaction of the crowd it seemed many of those in attendance knew each other.  Several spoke, telling how they were struggling to pay their bills while the shut down was in place.  One man said he was a non-custodial parent with a daughter in Canada and he saved every spare bit of money he could so he could go visit his daughter on a regular basis but had not had the money to go see her since the shutdown of Broadway occurred.  

Speakers complained about the injustice of selective enforcement and the unfairness of the city picking winners and loosers.  Speakers complained about the injustice of allowing masses of people to shop at Opryland Mall, yet Lower Broadway was being kept closed.  Others mentioned strip clubs which are still allowed to operate and can stay open till 3 A.M., yet music venues are not allowed to be open. Others spoke about how abused and unappreciated they felt.  They argued the it is music that made Nashville prosper but yet the city does not take into account the needs of those who work in the music oriented hospitality industry.  They are treated as second class citizens.

One person gave an update on what had happened to some of the regular Broadway performers, calling them by name. One had moved to Missouri where he was playing in a bar for tips.  Another, had moved back home and went to work in his fathers construction business.  Many have left the city and no one knows where they went.  The speaker told of how many had had to give up their dream of making a living as a performer and pursuing stardom, due to the city closing the bars where they worked. 

One speaker made the point, that people should have the choice of attending a music venue if they wanted to, that no one who didn't want to would be forced to do so. 

I support the protesters and believe Lower Broadway should be allowed to reopen. There are many young people for whom being exposed to the virus or even getting the virus is low-risk and there are those like me who have already had it and are now immune.   I would be at Roberts or AJ's if they were open.  Going to Lower Broadway is one of the favorite things I like about living in Nashville. 

《老王诊所》完整版:(全文在线阅读)-中经在线网:2021-8-30 · 老王 越看越有有感觉,看着电影里面的女优小舌头的灵活缠绕吮吸,老王的心都澎湃了,恨不得立马关门去找个女人试一下。 “医生 ?” 林婉如见老王没答话,又叫了一声,头也鬼使神差的朝前伸了一下,想看看这医生在看什么。 老王没想到 ...

It is time to reopen Lower Broadway, sent kids to school, and reopen America


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Rally to re-open Nashville

老王 2.2.7
Monday at 12 PM
68–88°F Thunderstorms
Courthouse Square Park 
Hosted by Crystal Eisermann and Cyndi Sands

Please join us on Monday August 3rd at Public Square Park in front of the courthouse at 12pm to rally for the mayor to open us up and let us earn a living. We need to convey the message that we are ready to follow the rules of the phases just like every other restaurant, store or anything else that is currently allowed to be open. All we are asking is for the opportunity to make money. 

Everyone attending MUST WEAR A MASK; we don’t want our message lost or criticized over something so trivial. We have lots of people with great ideas and they are all welcome to post them 老王2.2.7! We need to make sure that our message is loud and clear and that message is that we are not only ready to go back to work, but have to if we’re going to survive this. For more infromation, follow this 老王的灯笼v2.2.9. 

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Students at Vanderbilt leave fraternities and sororities, alleging racism and insensitivity

by Rod Williams - NBC news reports, "Students at Vanderbilt leave fraternities and sororities, alleging racism and insensitivity." Not that I really care.  I was never a member of a fraternity and don't care much one way or the other about fraternities and sororities and don't think this is all that important, but Vanderbilt is an important part of the Nashville Community and NBC news thinks it is newsworthy, so I am just passing it on.  The article says about 200 of 2197 students have withdrawn from Greek organizations.

Could it be that with schools closed and reopening policies in flux and unpredictable and with social distancing in place and bars closed that there is just not that much value to being in a fraternity?  Maybe it is like me boycotting Starbucks; it is easy to do when you don't go there anyway.  

The stated reason they are leaving is because the fraternities and sororities are not supportive of the civil unrest going on. "It seemed like no one in our sorority group chat was talking about George Floyd's death or how we could support the Black Lives Matter movement," said one student.  I am sure some really feel that way, but it kind of looks like an opportunity to do some virtue signaling.  

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梦幻西游:老王高成本合“谛听”,成就出现喜提地五狗一只 ...:梦幻西游:老王用魔方寸假装平民混入副本队,群秒一万队友看懵了! 乡村旅行 2'29" 打开APP 梦幻西游:老板鉴定出逆天四蓝字,狗托到别人都说是假图的地步!

The Tennessean, 7/31/2023 - Three school board members suing the city and Shawn Joseph are free to "say what they wish" about the former Metro Schools director, lawyers for the city and Joseph argue in a new motion seeking to dismiss the lawsuit against them. 

 As a result, a court hearing Friday could bring the lawsuit to an end. 

 Attorneys for Joseph and the city are seeking to dismiss a lawsuit filed by board members Amy Frogge, Jill Speering and Fran Bush earlier this year over a contract buyout clause they say violates their First Amendment rights. 

 At issue is a section in Joseph's April 2023 severance package that prohibits Joseph, the school board and individual members of the school board from making any "disparaging or defamatory comments" about one another. (Read more)

Rod's Comment:  I am not a fan of  Amy Frogge or Jill Speering, primarily because of their strident opposition to school choice, however, I am pleased to see them stand up for free speech rights. After Shawn Joseph's disastrous stint as Director of Schools, instead of firing him for incompetence and corruption, the Board paid him to go away.  His separation agreement included a $261,250 payout and a non-disparagement clause that said the Board nor members of the School Board would say any bad things about him.  That means some other school district will hire him and the Nashville School Board nor Board members cannot warn the other district that they are about to make a mistake.  I am pleased this was resolved in favor of free speech. 

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Tim Skow calling out those who demonize the other side in the Hagerty-Sethi primary contest.

Tim Skow
by Tim Skow -


Recognize ALL the names on the following list of notable Conservatives?
  • Vice President Mike Pence [R- IN]
  •  Senator Rand Paul [ R-KY]
  • Senator Marsha Blackburn [R-TN] 
  • 老王v2.2.6
  • Senator Tom Cotton [ R-AR] 
  •  Senator Jim DeMint [R-SC] *
  • Congressman Chuck Fleishman [R-TN]
  • Congressman Ed Bryant [R-TN] *
  • St. Sen. Majority Leader Johnson [R-TN] 
  • 老王 - Home | Facebook:老王. 563K likes. 我是老王,是台灣第一位臉書合作實況主,希望能讓你的人生多點趣味~活動、工作、商品邀約:oldwangsing@gmail.com
  • 梦幻西游【谜底】老王2021.06.05直播-游戏-高清完整正版 ...:梦幻西游【谜底】老王2021.06.05直播 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2021-06-05 19:29:06上线。视频内容简介:梦幻西游【谜底】老王2021.06.05直播
  • Congressman Zach Wamp [R-TN]*
  • FOX News & radio show host Sean Hannity 
  • FOX News & radio show host Mark Levin
What do they all have these notable Conservatives have in common?
  1. ALL are very experienced and savvy when it comes to Conservative politics. 
  2. ALL are trusted by their Conservative ‘’constituents.’’ 
  3. 老王(杨绛创作的散文) - 搜狗百科:2021-11-14 · 《老王》是当伋文学家杨绛于1984年创作的一篇回忆性散文。文章伍“我”与老王的交往为线索,回忆了老王的几个生活片段,刻画了一个穷苦卑微但心地善良、老实厚道的“老王”形象,表达了作者一家对老王那样不幸者的关心、同情和尊重。
HALF have endorsed Bill Hagerty!!

Half have endorsed Manny Sethi!!

It is NO surprise that dozens of elected office holders in Tennessee have also added their endorsement to their candidate of choice.

Clearly, the overall message is that BOTH candidates are highly accomplished, highly respected by their peers and trusted by the many supporters they have earned during the campaign. You would think such a race for the US Senate, campaigns would be BIG ideas and BIG concerns facing our State and the nation.

HOW SAD … that so many supporters (on both sides) have devolved into trite pithy Social Media spats, verbal nit-picking, whining about the trivial and pushing outright fabricated BS!!

Does a contribution from a couple of decades ago really matter when it comes to dealing with China or wrangling with healthcare issues that comprise 20% of the US Economy?

Unlike Judge Roy Moore in Alabama and other recent toxic Senate primary candidates, neither Mr. Hagerty nor Mr. Sethi would put Tennessee’s US Senate seat in jeopardy. So its time to ask, ‘’Is it too much to expect that supporters reflect the caliber of their candidate’’? Is it too much at ask that before any of us hit the SEND button, ‘’Would my candidate of choice have said, written or posted THAT”? Is it too much to ask, “If my phone rings and its my candidate of choice on the line, would he/she be thankful and proud just went on their behalf?" 

IS IT TOO MUCH … to ask that if you see or hear comments that clearly do NOT reflect the caliber of the candidate you also support, that you call out those making the incendiary or bogus comments?
Three things are certain:
  1. Primary election night is coming soon!
  2. The morning after Election night is coming too!! 
  3. Races against Democrats and Ultra-LIBs on the November ballot will be in serious jeopardy around Tennessee, in neighboring state and nationally. 
Its harder to work with those who are suffering with hard feelings and raw nerves!!!

In closing, are you voting for President Trump in November? IF so, do like he does.
  1. Tout your primary candidate of choice. 
  2. Stay focused on the REAL prize. 
  3. Let the people decide and plan to work well with who wins. Then campaign like Hell to beat the Democrats, Ultra-LIBs and ANTIFA apologists on the November ballot. IF … we are going to beat them in less than 100 days, THEN … it is going to take ALL of us. Please plan, talk, post and act like you will be campaigning side-by-side with those you are campaigning against in today’s hot primary!
Tim Skow is host of First Tuesday, downtown Nashville's monthly political forum featuring leading topics and speakers in the news.



Mayor John Cooper Announces Police Chief Selection Roadmap

Metro press release, 7/28/2023 - Mayor John Cooper today announced a roadmap for selecting Metro Nashville’s new Chief of Police. The process Mayor Cooper has created is designed to engage residents and neighborhoods from across our community to identify the qualities needed in our next Chief of Police. It lays the groundwork for a robust, nationwide search for a new police executive informed by expert advice on recruiting and 21st century policing principles. The goal of this process is to select a new police chief who will make Nashville a model of community engagement and policing innovation. 

 Community Engagement 

This process will provide for extensive, county-wide community engagement. Starting on Monday, Mayor Cooper is inviting all Nashvillians to participate in a brief online survey about their priorities for the next Chief of Police through the Hub, Nashville’s 311 system. The survey includes the following five questions: 
  1. What are the three (3) most important qualities or skills you would like to see in Nashville’s next police chief? 
  2. What would you like to see the next chief accomplish immediately? Over the next 2-3 years? 
  3. What are the most important public safety needs in your neighborhood? 
  4. Please share suggestions you have for improving police services. 
  5. What is your home zip code? 
Directions to the Hub survey can also be found on the Metro website. Residents who lack access to the internet will be able to call 311 and complete the survey by phone. In addition to the Hub survey, the Mayor’s Office will reach out to neighborhood associations to better understand the safety needs and priorities in their neighborhoods. The Mayor’s Office will also conduct engagement sessions with community groups and with police officers. 

Using input from the survey and from these community engagement sessions, the Mayor’s Office will work with the Human Resources Department (HR) to craft a job posting for the position of Chief of Police and to develop interview questions for the review committee and the interview panel, as well as for Mayor Cooper. In mid-August, the position will be posted on Metro Nashville Human Resources’ website for a period of 30 days and advertised with the following organizations: 
  • National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives 
  • Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association 
  • concept art - 老王 - 网易博客:2021-12-3 · 2021年12月03日,2021年12月03日,2021年07月31日,2021年03月01日,2021年01月18日,2021年12月23日,2021年06月20日,2021年04月16日,2021年03月18日,2021年01月23日,老王的网易博客,冷静等待中。。。。。。。。。。。,概念设计师 奋斗老王
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police 
  • Police Executive Research Forum 
  • 老王v p n读取出现问题?_百度知道:2021-12-22 · 老王那个v p n 似乎不好使了 那个梯子可能挂掉了 已赞过 已踩过 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 1条折叠回答 更多回答(2) 其他类似问题 2021-06-28 理工学科是什么? 2 2021-05-19 学习嵌入式硬件,射频,物理,理工学科的相关的问题 ...
  • National Black Police Officers Association 
  • FBI National Academy Associates 
In August, Metro Human Resources (HR) will assemble a review committee of diverse individuals with backgrounds in law enforcement and community oversight to assist the department as it scores and rates applicants for the Chief of Police position, in accordance with Nashville Civil Service Guidelines. The review committee will then review the top tiers of qualified candidates and recommend candidates who should advance to the interview process. Metro HR will then forward the committee’s recommended list of finalists to an interview panel that includes a variety of community voices and partners. Finalists advancing to the interview process will interview in Nashville with the interview panel and with Mayor Cooper. With input from the interview panel, Mayor Cooper will select the next Chief of Police, in keeping with guidelines provided by the Metro Nashville Charter. 

Expert assistance 

Mayor Cooper is eager to encourage outstanding police executives from across the nation to apply to this position. To help recruit outstanding candidates, the Metro Human Resources Department has engaged Gary Peterson, President and CEO of Public Sector Search & Consulting, to assist with the search process. Mr. Peterson specializes in police executive searches and has conducted searches in more than 25 cities, including Seattle, San Francisco, Dallas, Kansas City, and Sacramento, CA. In conjunction with the other recruited outreach noted, Mr. Peterson will conduct targeted outreach to police executives to identify outstanding candidates and encourage them to apply for the position of Chief of Police in Nashville. He will also work with Metro HR and the candidate review committee to ensure that Nashville identifies candidates with a proven track record of innovation and community engagement and a commitment to the principles set forth by President Obama’s Task Force on Twenty-First Century Policing. In addition, Mr. Peterson will also conduct a survey of the current police department. Among the questions Mr. Peterson will ask are the following: What do you think the department does really well? What three (3) things would you change about the department if you could? Describe the kind of leader who you would like to see as your next chief. What do you think the key challenges will be for the new chief? 


《荣誉老王[快穿]》天淡_【原创小说|言情小说】_晋江文学城:2021-3-27 · 天淡《荣誉老王[快穿]》,主角:王一诺 ┃ 配角:隔壁一个加强排的邻居 ┃ 其它:哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,励志人生 快穿 女强 时伋奇缘 最新更新:2021-02-07 03:26:37 作品积分:319449792
Timeframe Activities 
  • July 28:    Mayor’s Office announces roadmap for Chief of Police selection process. Community and neighborhood engagement begins. Consultant begins process of reaching out to potential candidates nationwide. 
  • Early August:     Consultant surveys police officers on job satisfaction, priorities. 
  • Mid-August:     Metro HR and the Mayor’s Office finalize job posting. The position is advertised nationally and posted for 30 days. 
  • Mid-September:     Application period closes. 
  • Late September:老王灯笼APP Metro HR scores candidates and meets with review committee narrowing the field to the top finalists for interviews. Metro begins an extensive process of background checks. 
  • October: Finalists visit Nashville to meet with interview panel and the Mayor. Mayor announces Nashville’s new police chief.

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Learn how to start a charter school in Tennessee.

The Tennessee Charter School Center is hosting Charter 101— a comprehensive training for anyone interested in starting a charter school in Tennessee. This training will cover the basics of charter schools, the application process, and potential resource opportunities for schools. There will be two informational sessions for Charter 101: one will be held on August 14 at 10 a.m. and another session will be held in September.  For more information, follow this link.

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